John Melby, composer


Links preceded by a single asterisk (*) refer to the publisher of the music. A double asterisk (**) denotes a link to the recording company (if any) that has issued a recording (LP or CD) of the work.

A link to [temporarily unavailable] If you have a particularly pressing need for performance materials for any piece so marked, please send an e-mail message to the composer via the link at the bottom of this page.

Orchestral music:

Concerti for instruments with computer-synthesized sound:

Concerti for multiple instruments:

Keyboard concerti:

Concerti for string instruments:

Concerti for woodwind instruments:

Other works for instruments and computer-synthesized sound:

Other instrumental ensemble works:

Vocal (including choral) music:

Music for solo instrument:

Works for computer-synthesized sound alone:

Key to publishers:

“Margun/AMP” = Associated Music Publishers

“Merion” = Merion Music., Inc. (Theodore Presser Company)

“ACA” = American Composers Alliance

“CSC” = Centro di Sonologia Computazionale dell’ Università di Padova (Italy)

“available from the composer” = (click on the link or see the e-mail address at the bottom of this page)

“ms” = in manuscript and unavailable

“n/a” = not available

Margun Music, Inc., the publisher of several of the works listed above, is now owned by Associated Music Publishers, Inc., a division of Music Sales Corporation. Pieces whose publisher listing is Margun/AMP are available from the Rental Department of Associated Music Publishers, Inc.

A link to [temporarily unavailable] signifies that the work is in the process of being transferred to American Composers Alliance from another publisher and is currently not commercially available. In the meantime, if you have a particularly pressing need for performance materials for any piece so marked, please send an e-mail message to the composer via the link at the bottom of this page.

Key to recording companies:

“Albany” = Albany Records

“Open Space” = Open Space

“Centaur” = Centaur Records

“CRI” = Composers Recordings, Inc.

“GMEB” = Institute International de Musique Electroacoustique

“New World” = New World Records

“Zuma” = Zuma Records

“ASUC” = American Society of University Composers
(now the “Society of Composers, Inc.”);
LP issued as a supplement to Vol. 7/8 of the
Proceedings of the American Society of University Composers,
1973: long out of print


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date last modified: March 29, 2025